
A banker who insists on his own independence lives in a mortgage-free, cheap house. He has nothing to lose except for his job. He wouldn’t even mind losing it, but his pregnant wife does.


She is afraid that her husband’s radical choices will alienate them from society. These fears are part of the reason she seeks solace in the arms of a night porter who also trains pitbulls. He too lives by his own rules.

The Dutch radio station VPRO interviewed writer Annemarie Slotboom and director Leen Braspenning about this theater play.

directed by Leen Braspenning
text Annemarie Slotboom
cast Jacqueline Boot, Niels Croiset, Noël S. Keulen
dramaturgy and video Johann van Gerwen
with help from Judith Hofland, Bruno Op de Beek, American Hotel